Month: February 2013

happy birthday to me!

it’s my blog birthday!  I can’t believe whattaylormade has been going for a whole year!  It is a bit strange just writing posts and putting them out there in the world wide web, not really knowing what might happen or if anyone is actually interested in what you’re rambling on about.  But the feedback from you guys has been A-MA-ZING!!  So thank you very much!!


I’ve had a few issues of late with an over enthusiastic odd job man who managed to cut through the phone cable to my flat, not particularly convenient, but all sorted now!

All that time, with no access meant a serious dent in my blog reading time, but did mean I actually made some stuff, rather than just looking at pictures of the stuff everybody else was making.  And here it is!

iphone cover 1


my new phone cover!

iphone cover 2I’m so pleased with it.  It is loosely based on a phone cover from this book, with a few little twists.

iphone cover 3I didn’t really follow a pattern for the stitches, just sort of went with what I felt like.

iphone cover 4It’s quite a snug fit so I also added a little pompom phone puller-outer thing, that’s the technical terminology, so the phone just pops out!  Quite clever, if I do say so myself!!

I used this clever little thing to make the pompom…

pompomGone are the days of cutting circles out of cereal boxes!

pompomjust wrap it round…



Then just cut and tie..

pompomand a little pompom pops out!

I’ve also been spending a bit of time tidying up my stash, all those little ends that are left over that just lie around all over the place, well, in my house they do.  I’ve seen idea in a few places and just love it!

yarn pegsI don’t actually want to use up all the bits because they look so cute on the pegs, it makes quite a nice garland do you think?

yarn pegsI used Anchor tapestry wool for the phone cover in 8118, 8922, 8824, 9786 and 8440