
What did I miss?

4 month hey?  It’s been a while.  I have had the most stressful 4 months in a long time.  NOT FUN, but, I think that’s it now, everything has started to calm down a little bit and I’m getting back to normal and finding the time to do the things I love doing, like making stuff and telling you all about it!

I’ve got a few little projects on the go which I’m very close to finishing so pictures will follow soon, but in the meantime here’s a few little pictures from my recent trip to the Chelsea Flower Show…

chelsea flower show 1My super duper sister bought me tickets to the show for my birthday.  I’ve always wanted to go but it was always at an awkward time of the year.

chelsea flower show 2

It was a brilliant day out!  But there was soooo much rain!  We got soaked so spent most of the time in the big tent or hidden in the hospitality tent eating chelsea buns with clotted cream and jam..  mmmmm….

chelsea flower show 3this little guy was definitely one of my favourites…

chelsea flower show 4One of the best parts of the show was the retreats, a few small garden sheds that had been taken over by a famous designer to create a crafting workspace.  The Cath Kidston one was very cool, but a little too flowery for me, the best one was definitely that of paper cutter Rob Ryan…

chelsea flower show 5I’ve been a fan of Rob’s work for a VERY long time, and it was great to see a few pieces in the creative stage and also talk to one of the girls that works in his studio…

chelsea flower show 6

_MG_7113chelsea flower show 7

chelsea flower show 8Despite the rain it was a brilliant day out (thanks Whizzy!) and the little insight into Rob Ryan’s creative space had really inspired me to get going again, so watch this space!

Day 19: paper

Tonight I want to tell you about one of my most favourite apps, Paper

I was looking for an app to just doodle with a found this one. When you it up there’s a few little books you can open.

You can add as many as you want, change the covers and the titles. When you open your book you can browse the pages too, it’s pretty cool.

You get a small, but really good colour palette to use, to be honest I’m not sure I could have picked a better combination. You also get a selection of pens or brushes to write with to create different effects.

AND… On top of creating all your own amazing pictures, you can submit them to the paperblog and see what everyone else has been upto too.

I’ve got a lot of practicing to do to be able to do anything close to these!
There is a free version of this app, but for the little spend you get all pens and brushes! I think it’s worth it.