
I love my mittens

Well, after all the fun of blogtoberfest I’ve found it quite strange not writing a post everyday, but not strange enough to want to do it again yet, it was hard work!

It’s been raining all day today, this completely ruined my plans for a big bike ride (which, let’s be honest, was unlikely anyway) but provided the perfect opportunity to stay inside and make stuff.

You might remember this mitten I finished a while ago, well I finally finished the other one, and it’s only slightly smaller than the first one, so that’s a bonus.  They are both massive though so I’ve had to put a little bit of elastic around the cuff to keep them on my hands.  I’ve also added another little addition to them… a big piece of string to tie them together!

I feel like a little kid again!  But just in case I have to behave fairly sensibly and it’s not appropriate to have mittens dangling from my sleeves, I’ve made them detachable!

I used a little hook and eye on each end of the string.  I’m really quite proud of myself, you might have noticed.

As well as finishing off the mittens, I’ve also finished my little bird, with minimum blood loss (those felting needles are lethal).

He’s only little, I might attach him to one of Burt’s antlers, or maybe I’ll find somewhere else to put him…

Day 28: tweet tweet

Well, only 3 more posts to go after today and I will have completed my blogtoberfest mission. I can’t believe I’ve lasted this long!

I had another rugby match today, our fourth of the season. We managed a very triumphant 64-0, not bad, and I got 3 tries, even better.

Anyway, my mum’s come to visit me this weekend and while I was warming up she took herself off for a little wonder around the village and found a little craft shop.

In this little craft shop was a very nice lady doing a little bit of needle felting. My mum had the sudden brainwave of getting a starter kit as a thank you for feeding her all weekend.

So whilst nursing my bruises and a slightly sore neck I thought I’d give it a go.

After much huffing and puffing I got to here…


Then a little more huffing an a lot of stabbing myself In the finger got me to here!

What do you think? Still quite a bit to go but I’m pretty sure you can tell what it is.

An added bonus to this is that the pain I’m now feeling in my fingers from all that repetitive stabbing has distracted me from all my rugby bruises.

Just one more thing, for anybody that hasn’t needle felted and wants to try it, you don’t really have to stab yourself, I just got a little over excited.